Emmanuel. God with us.

"I'm here with you."
My Father's heartbeat pounds a steady rhythm in my ear, reminding me. My tiny frame tucked into His arms, my tears drying on His shirt, my head on His chest, listening.

The pain of broken dreams and hope deferred hit me hard this morning. I want things that are not. Not yet, and perhaps never. Instead, I'm learning to enjoy and treasure this season; my cozy apartment, the freedom to serve in ways only a single woman can, the amazing experiences and relationships that I now have that are beyond what I dreamed was possible.

The lies of unworthiness and rejection batter my heart. But. They are lies. Not true. Powerless unless I choose to listen to them.

So I turn away from the lies and curl up in Papa's lap again. And I listen. Lub-dup. Lub-dup. Lub-dup. Strong and steady, pounding a rhythm that reverberates throughout the created world. A deep rhythm that can be heard by those who have ears to hear. Emmanuel. God with us.

"I'm here with you."