Some Thoughts and Data: COVID-19

This week, I spent hours reading about COVID-19, drafting a one-pager to drop in church mailboxes. The fear-mongering and misinformation and half-truths I encountered are incredible.

But what really got me het up was the message I got just after I finished the writing project and sent it back to the guy who requested it. A friend is hurting, scared, alone, needing connection. Grappling with the epidemic of disconnection and apathy and brokenness and hopelessness. And I've been busy collecting information and chewing it up into palatable bites. Reading article after article that promotes holing up at home and maintaining a 6 foot distance if you do go out, and heaven forbid that you hug someone!

It's stupidity, most of it. We are in an epidemic of disconnection, and fear is driving us farther apart.

Folks, stop buying up the masks (unless you're using a particulate respirator AND have been properly fit tested, they aren't worth much anyway). Take your vitamin C and D3 and load up on garlic and ginger and stop drinking sugar. Get intentional about community and connection. Be a Life Giver and a Light Walker and stop being afraid of death.

What follows is the original text of the one-pager I wrote for my church folks. As I publish this blog, the data is a week old, but still mostly accurate as far as I know (except that total numbers have obviously increased).

The Facts about Novel Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19)

As of March 7, 2020

Information in this fact sheet is adapted from an article by Elisa Song, MD, with additional information from reliable sources. The full article can be found at

What is COVID-19?

Coronaviruses are quite common and cause illness ranging from mild to severe. COVID-19 is the name of the new coronavirus that was first detected in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019.

How many people actually have COVID-19?

As of this writing, there are 105,818 confirmed cases worldwide, and 3,558 deaths, according to a Johns Hopkins-based tracking website. For accurate and up-to-date data, visit and enter covid-19 in the search bar. This site is updated multiple times per day, and coordinates data from around the world.

How do you get COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that can spread from person to person through respiratory droplets and close contact (within 6 feet or in the same room for long periods without personal protective equipment).

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Most people who are infected have mild symptoms, such as cold-like symptoms and fever, and may progress to cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, headache, and muscle aches. Occasionally, the illness worsens and becomes a pneumonia, with difficulty breathing and severe fatigue. Those who are unable to fight off the pneumonia may eventually develop sepsis (infection throughout the body).

What is the death rate from COVID-19?

The most recent data indicates a 3.67% fatality rate in mainland China, due to lack of supplies and few hospitals equipped to deal with respiratory isolation, while the US fatality rate may be as low as 1.4%. Children rarely die from COVID-19, neither do healthy adults. The elderly and those with underlying chronic medical conditions are most at risk for serious complications and death.

Who and how to test for COVID-19?

If you have cold or flu symptoms, chances are, you have the cold or flu! Current recommendations from the CDC are to only test those with known contact, or those with severe respiratory illness who have tested negative for all other diagnoses. Test kits are only available through the public health department; your doctor cannot test for COVID-19.

How do you treat COVID-19?

Treatment is supportive with rest, fluids, oxygen, and more intensive care if needed. There are no specific antiviral medications known to treat COVID-19. Death with COVID-19 is most often due to sepsis, in which the immune system goes haywire. Here are some natural agents that may be the best option to support the immune system, for treatment and prevention

·       Vitamin C (my favorite is sodium ascorbate powder NOW brand)

·       Vitamin D/D3 (I prefer 5,000IU, such as this one).

·       Curcumin (I’ve tried several, and the Terry Naturally brand softgels are the best I’ve found.)

·       Quercetin

·       Naringin

·       Boswellia (Frankincense)

·       Fish oil (almost any brand will work, but if you want quality, try Nordic Naturals)

·       Probiotics (I don’t really have a favorite, but choose a brand with at least 50 billion CFUs. This one has 100 billion.)

·       Zinc

Best practices for prevention

·       Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap.

·       Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth.

·       Stay home when you’re sick, unless you need urgent medical attention.

·       Cover your cough with your elbow or a tissue.

·       Irrigate your nose with Xclear or saline solution. This can wash away viral particles before they have a chance to infect your lungs.

·       Eat foods with antiviral properties; coconut oil, raw garlic, ginger, oregano, walnut, pomegranate, green tea, apple cider vinegar, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

·       Stay well hydrated and avoid sodas or sugary drinks.

·       Get fresh air and moderate daily exercise.

·       Get adequate sleep.

·       Minimize stress, including fear about COVID-19. Stress lowers your body’s natural immunity.

Masks are not a good preventive measure, unless you have been professionally fitted, and are using a particulate respirator. If you are sick, wearing a mask may protect others from your droplets.

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