An Update on COVID

The actual risk of getting COVID-19 is probably higher now than it's ever been. Thankfully, the irrational fear seems to be abating.

In light of this, here is a protocol that has been used with good success by many of my friends. The story is that it comes from a doctor in New York.

50,000 IU of Vitamin D3, up to 4 times a day, for 5 days ONLY. Its recommended to take this with food and good fats, like butter.

1/2 lemon juiced in a cup of water morning and evening with 1 tsp Himalayan salt.

100 mcg Vitamin K2 a day. I really like this one.

200 mg magnesium citrate a day. (Or to bowel tolerance, which may be higher.)

100 to 500 mg of Vitamin C 4 times a day.

15- 30 mg of zinc a day.

Moist heat applied to the chest, breathing in a steam tent, saline nebulizer, hot soaks, and hot showers are all recommended, but be aware of the risk of fainting and weakness with soaks and showers and have someone nearby.

To loosen up the phlegm in the lungs, lie face down for at least fifteen minutes, several times a day. Have someone run a massager over your upper and mid back for 10 to 15 minutes, or pound with cupped hands.

50 to 100 mg of aspirin daily is showing some promise in studies. Apparently, the blood becomes hypercoagulable (sticky), and the aspirin is an over the counter blood thinner. Don't use if pregnant. And as a fellow nurse pointed out, be aware of the potential for stroke with the hypercoagulation, and if you see signs, treat it like the emergency that it is. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time)

Oregano oil capsules, taken with food, are a potent immune booster. Ginger foot soaks, and Unkers salve on the feet, help with circulation and improves breathing. See the instructions here:…/how-to-do-hot-fo…

After the first five days, many report that 10-15,000 IU of Vitamin D3, 100 mcg of K2, Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, zinc, and extra salt, has been helpful for quicker recovery and better energy.