Truth telling

Echo Chambers

Manipulative, toxic people don’t belong in my life, shouldn’t have access to my decision-making process, and are best strictly social distanced from.

The question is, how do I avoid creating an unhealthy echo chamber? If I remove every voice that I deem toxic, haven’t I created a space that simply reflects my own views and biases?

The global coronavirus pandemic has acted like a gigantic threshing floor, winnowing the healthy from the unhealthy. Those with underlying disease are orders of magnitude more susceptible to CV. And those who have an underlying affinity for untruth, are being shown up quite clearly.

Now that I know, ever more clearly, who has made agreements with untruth and manipulation, how do I eliminate them without creating an unhealthy echo chamber?

I have kept a few draining people in my social media feed solely for the sake of having dissenting voices. The downright toxic I have eliminated, mostly because I can’t handle the interactions.

All this begs the question:

How do I eliminate toxic (manipulative, controlling) influences in my life without creating an unhealthy echo chamber?

Which begs a second question:

Is an echo chamber always a bad thing?

An echo chamber is a space in which all voices echo each other. Only a defined set of values is permitted to be expressed.

This is generally considered to be A Very Bad Thing. Humans are fallible, liable to errors in logic and limitations in understanding. Diversity of perspective and viewpoint, even argument, is needed to counteract this fallibility. Through peer pressure and fear, echo chambers tend to become ever more limited and narrow-minded, and argument is banned. Therefore, echo chambers are not to be desired, so the logic goes.

But. Toxicity is also not to be desired. Deliberately permitting manipulation toward a toxic thought process and belief system, in the name of diversity of thought, is a horrible thing.

It becomes a classic Catch 22. Permit some toxicity or have an echo chamber.

But as I thought and prayed about this and engaged in a number of lively conversations with good friends, I began to see that it is a false dichotomy, created by a flawed perspective.

Echo chambers, you see, are not human inventions. The original echo chamber is heaven, where a cacophony of angels and humans weep, and shout, and sing, and yell, in worship of the King. Their theme is “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come.” This is an echo chamber that is filled with one thought, one set of values, one focus and purpose.

And it is holy, good, beautiful, and right.

Our flawed, very human, echo chambers are not holy. There is little that is good, beautiful, or right in them.

Human echo chambers are human focused, fear driven, and dominated by control and insecurity. The center, the theme, of this kind is one person or a small cadre of persons, whose views dare not be crossed, whether they are in alignment with truth or (as is often the case) with evil. I do well to be extremely cautious of that kind of echo chamber.

However, accepting toxicity in my life is NOT the only alternative. Instead, as I listen closely, there is a gentle, whispered invitation from beyond the bounds of time. The whisper invites me to a different kind of echo chamber, one in which I am not the center, in which I do not make the decisions about which voices do or don’t belong.

“Come.” “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come.”

Come to the heavenly echo chamber. Join the chorus of worship. Come into alignment with Truth.

Hear the voice of the King and allow Him to direct who goes and who stays, within my circle. There is an infinitesimally small part of the heavenly echo chamber that is under my authority. I am responsible for taking orders from the King and following His directive about who gets to be in that circle and who doesn’t.

Turns out, my circle SHOULD be an echo chamber. It should echo Truth.

What that looks like is up to the King. I am only responsible for obeying orders. And for joining in the chorus that echoes Truth throughout time and eternity.

500 Words. Maybe.

I’m a freelance writer, over on a platform called Fiverr. Mostly health-related blogs for the general public, but also a fair amount of more technical stuff directed at nurses. (Once, I even did some of the copy for a marketing push that the American Nurses’ Association is doing.) I thoroughly enjoy writing, I’m good at it, and my customers bring rave reviews.

But when it comes to writing my own blogs, I have struggled sooooo hard. I once dawdled for an entire month, trying to come up with fifteen-hundred words that were articulate and profound and elegant, and so on. I finally got it done, kind of, and published it. But I wasn’t happy, because it wasn’t my best work, and I knew it. But I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, or how to correct it.

Then, there was a guy named Richard Miller, whom I once described as “rough, but good.” He calls himself a Missouri hillbilly, a kind of redneck philosopher. One hundred and forty-eight times, he tried to make a formal video, and failed. After going down all kind of wrong paths as to why he couldn’t do it, he realized that formal is not who he is. So he quit trying to “formal” it, sets up with his grill and gets comfortable, and knocks it out of the park on try number one.

He shared this, and it clicked. It realized that this is exactly why I can’t write successful blogs for myself, even though I keep getting five-star reviews when I write for other people.

I’m trying to be what I’m not.

Long, formal, elegant writing. The kind that can be effortlessly condensed into a three point outline. Grammatically perfect, symmetrical, all I’s dotted and T’s crossed. It’s a great aspiration, I suppose, but it isn’t really who I am. I can write an academic paper, in formal third-person prose, and do just fine. But where I really shine, nowadays, is in writing short, pithy Facebook posts. Raw and honest. Simple and to the point.

That is who I am.

So I decided to try something new, as this coronavirus quarantine mess drags on and on.

500 words. Maybe.

Mostly health related, because I’m passionate about it and this is the GESUNDHEIT! Blog, after all. Probably a lot of mindset and thought pattern stuff, because that’s what I’m learning about, and I firmly believe that we must first change the way we think before we can change the way we do. And also that changing the way we do (lifestyle shifts, in technical health coach jargon), is the only real and sustainable way to better health.

This is try number one. Minimal edits. 500 words. Maybe. But real me, not fake me.

I plan to keep doing this, as often as I get a decent inspiration, through the month of April. Because 500 words of real me is a lot better than 1,500 of fake me.